The Japanese Garden in Cornwall provides an authentic Japanese
garden design in an idyllic Cornish setting. Built as a meditative garden it is the perfect space where one can calm the mind & let go of unwanted stress through contemplation & reflection.


Home » Succulents


We stock a variety of beautiful succulents including our ‘Bio Bubble’ gardens and our geometric terrariums in many sizes.

We also pot up many succulents in to ceramic pots and planters – ready to buy and go straight into your home (see the slideshow of images above for examples).

Below you will find a collection of species descriptions and pictures.

We have new species arriving all the time so keep a look out when you pop in as we may have species that are not yet listed on here! We try our best to keep the species listed below in stock but sometimes we do run out and since 2020 we often we cannot get the same varieties in for the season.

If you are looking to purchase a specific succulent please email us to check we have it in stock.

Most succulents come in two sizes, (Medium and small), although some we only stock in the one size, some we stock in a Large 1 litre size and we have a few larger specimens, which are individually priced.

 Medium (9cm pot)  £7.50             Small £3.50

Large (1 litre pot) £11.50

Bio Bubble Garden             £19.50

These wonderful little glass globes contain a variety of little succulents and can be displayed sitting or hanging.

Care for your Bubble garden – Succulents enjoy bright sunshine so place in a well-lit, sunny position. Avoid freezing temperatures (frost free). Water using a mist-sprayer when the soil appears dry. Be careful not to over-water. Succulents store water in their leaves, their stems and their roots and do not like being kept wet all the time. When your plants begin out growing your Bubble Garden; re-pot each plant in to a pot using a gritty, well-draining soil; our Bonsai Compost is ideal for this. In Spring/Summer your large succulents will be putting out new growth, usually from the base of the plant. These can be cut from the main plant and will grow in to new plants if potted in to soil. Re-plant your Bio Bubble Garden with the new (smaller) succulent plants.


An impressive succulent with green, fleshy leaves. Max height 100cm. Spreads by offsets. Flowers in summer. Thought to have healing properties. Full sun. Protect from frost.

Aeonium Arboreum ‘Zwartkop’       

An impressive succulent with spoon shaped rich purple leaves and bright yellow flowers. Max height 1.5m. Max spread 1.2m. Flowers April to May. Protect from frost.

Aeonium Phoenix Flame

A stunning, low-branching, compact Aeonium that holds its form nd colour though out the year. Producing multiple burgundy-green rosettes in its first year. Prefers full sun or partial shade and free-draining soil. max height: 30cm. Max spread: 30cm. An ideal container plant which can be brought inside during the winter months. Protect from hard frost.

Aeonium Haworthii             

An impressive succulent with green, pink tipped leaves and bright yellow flowers. Max height 0.6m. Max spread 0.6m. Flowers April to May. Bright room with some direct sunlight. Protect from frost.

Aeonium Haworthii x Sempervivum            

A shrubby succulent up to 20cm in height. Rosettes of grey-green leaves with sculpted leaf margins edged in pink when grown in the sun. Pale pink-yellow pyramid shaped flower heads in Spring. Prefers partial shade and well drained soil. Ideal for pots and containers.

Cotyledon Orbiculata Variagated Oblonga

Silver Crown. An attractive succulent with wavy edged fleshy silvery-grey leaves and fleshy tubular yellowish-red flowers. Max height: 50cm. Max spread: 30cm. Flowers August to October. Prefers full sun or partial shade and well draining soil or compost. Ideal for pots and containers. Protect from frost.

Crassula Pagoda ‘Variegata’           

Beautiful, succulent, cream and green variegated pagoda foliage with almost fluorescent pink tinge on the tips. Max height 10cm. Max spread 15cm. Prefers full sun or partial shade with well-drained soil or compost. Protect from frost.

Crassula Sarcocaulis

A hardy sub-shrub from South Africa with narrow green succulent leaves and stems with peeling bark, bearing scented, bell-shaped pale-pink flowers and crimson buds during the summer months. Prefers full sun or partial shade and well-draining soil or compost. Max height: 25cm, max spread: 30cm. Ideal for pots and containers, rock gardens and coastal areas. Makes an excellent Bonsai subject. Hardy.

Delosperma Nubigenum         

This species forms a low mat of succulent, evergreen leaves, bearing loads of small starry yellow flowers in late spring. A great choice for hot, dry areas. Excellent as a groundcover. Easily propagated by breaking off short pieces and simply sticking them into the ground; new roots will form within just a few weeks. Foliage turns bronze in winter. Max height 10cm. Max spread 60cm. Flowers late spring/early summer. Full sun. Hardy.


Echeveria Affinis         

Clump-forming, perennial succulent with lime green rosettes fringed with red-brown form solid mounds. Long cream flower stems emerge in Summer. Max height 16cm. Max spread 18cm. Flowers from June to September. Full sun. Keep dry in Winter. Protect from frost.

Echeveria Cana          

Clump-forming, perennial succulent with a basal rosette of broad glaucus blue-green leaves which form columns of ‘fingers’. Max height 16cm. Max spread 18cm. Flowers from June to September. Keep dry in winter. Full sun. Not Hardy.

Echeveria Duchess of Nuremberg           

Beautiful pink, succulent rosettes which produce interesting flowering bracts in Spring and Summer. Max height 11cm. Max spread 16cm. Flowers June to September. Full sun. Ideal for pots and containers. Protect from hard frosts.

Echeveria Elegans         

A beautiful clump-forming succulent with fleshy, silvery-blue curving lobes. Tall arching stems bear delicate panicles of yellow and red flowers. Max height 7cm, max spread 10cm. Flowers June to September. Prefers full sun or partial shade with free draining soil or compost. Protect from hard frosts. Useful for rockeries, paving, gravel gardens and containers.


Echeveria Glauca           

Blue Echeveria. A beautiful clump-forming succulent with steely blue-grey, fleshy leaves. Arching stems with panicles of delicate star-shaped, bi-coloured reddish, pink and yellow flowers are borne during the summer months. Max height 7cm. max spread 10cm. Prefers full sun or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost. Protect from hard frosts. Useful for rockeries, paving, gravel gardens and containers.

Echeveria Imbricata                     

Tight rosettes of flat grey-green leaves that when mature, form offsets freely to produce large solid clumps. Bears arching flower spikes with clusters of red and yellow flowers in the Spring and early Summer. Max height 15cm. Max spread 20cm. Perfectly suited for gravel gardens, paved areas, rockeries and containers. Full sun. Protect from hard frosts.

Echeveria Lilacina          

A lovely succulent with rosettes of silvery-grey to whitish-pink, spoon shaped leaves and panicles of coral-pink to pale-orange flowers upon wiry, arching stems in Spring. Max height 15cm. Max spread 20cm. Flowers April to May. Full Sun. Not Hardy.

Echeveria Runyonii ‘Topsy Turvy’          

A fast growing rosette-forming succulent with pale blue-grey leaves that curve upwards. When mature form offsets freely to produce large solid clumps. Bearing bright orange and yellow flower spikes during the Spring and early Summer months. Max height 20cm. Max spread 30cm. Perfectly suited for gravel gardens, rockeries and small containers. Full sun. Protect from hard frosts.

Pachyphytum Bracteosum             

A very attractive succulent with stone-like white frosted pale green leaves flushed blue and vivid orange-red flowers. Max height 10cm. Max spread 30cm. Flowers February to April. Full sun. Not Hardy.

Sedum Acre           

A mat-forming evergreen perennial producing yellow, green flowers over dense pale green foliage. Ideal for rock gardens. Flowers in summer. Max height 5cm. Max spread 60cm. Full sun. Hardy.


Sedum Pachyclados            

A mat-forming, evergreen perennial. It has small rosettes of blue-green leaves with serrated margins and cream flowers in Summer. Max height 5 cm. Max spread 25cm. Prefers full sun and well drained soil. Ideal for beds and borders, containers, edging and gravel gardens. Hardy.

Sedum Spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’            

Sedum spathulifolium is a useful drought-tolerant plant for any hot, dry sunny spot, where it associates well with other sedums and looks superb surrounded by pebbles or gravel. Powder-blue and pewter foliage which flowers in summer. Though attractive in flower, the plants are at their very best in midwinter when their colourful evergreen foliage and attractive shapes make them invaluable on the rock garden or in containers. Max height 10cm. Max spread 60cm. Full sun. Hardy.

Sedum Spathulifolium Purpureum             

A compact rosettes of purple-hued leaves form an evergreen mat in the rock garden and produce heads of bright yellow flowers in early summer. Max height 10cm. Max spread 0.5 m. Full sun. Hardy.

Sedum Spurium           

A compact plant forming mats of mid-green leaves and dense heads of pink, red or white star-like flowers in summer. Grows best in full-sun on well-drained soil. Ideal for rockeries and dry banks. Max height 10cm. Max spread 60cm. Full sun. Hardy.


Sedum Spurium Dragons Blood

A low, mat forming, evergreen perennial bearing fleshy leaves with scolloped purple-flushed margins. Low clusters of deep-pink, star shaped flowers with prominent stems bloom from late Summer to Autumn. Max height 10cm. max spread: 50cm. Prefers full sun and well draining soil. Suitable for sandy soils. Ideal for rock gardens, gravel beds and containers. Great for ground cover and is low maintenance to look after. Drought tolerant. Evergreen. Hardy.
Sempervivum Arachnoideum
A rosette-forming alpine with succulent rosettes of mid-green to red leaves, cobwebbed with fine white hairs. Produces reddish, pink flowers in Summer. Max height: 8cm. max spread: 30cm. Flowers June to August. Full sun. Hardy.


Sempervivum Calcareum           

A rosette-forming alpine with succulent rosettes of grey-green leaves with red tips. Produces reddish, pink flowers in summer. Max height 8cm. max spread 30cm. Flowers June to August. Full sun. Hardy.

Sempervivum Jovibarba Allionii            

A rosette-forming alpine with succulent rosettes of small, bright green. Produces green flowers in summer. Max height 5cm. Max spread 10cm. Flowers June to August. Full sun. Hardy.

Sempervivum Mahogany             

 An evergreen succulent perennial with rosettes of unusual foliage, edged in maroon. Produces stems of star-shaped pink flowers. Flowers in summer. Max height 8cm. Max spread 30cm. Full sun. Hardy.


Sempervivum ‘Ruby Hearts’            

 An attractive succulent with silvery-green succulent leaves. The inner ‘heart’ of the houseleek turns a ruby red as it matures. Max height 5cm. Max spread 15cm. Flowers July to September. Prefers full sun or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost. Excellent for border fringes, raised beds, rockeries, gravel gardens or in alpine tubs and borders. Hardy.

Sempervivum Tectorum Rubin            

A rosette-forming alpine with succulent leaves of deep burgundy-red. Produces purple-red flowers in Summer. Max height 5cm. Max spread 15cm. Flowers from June to August. Evergreen. Foliage colour blue, green and red. Full sun. Hardy

If you are looking for a specific Succulent please contact us to check we have it in stock.