Last Few Days Of June 2024

The Japanese Garden in Cornwall provides an authentic Japanese
garden design in an idyllic Cornish setting. Built as a meditative garden it is the perfect space where one can calm the mind & let go of unwanted stress through contemplation & reflection.


Home » Garden » Last Few Days Of June 2024

Its surreal how fast the weeks are flying by as we reach the final couple of days of June.

The weather has been warmer this month – thankfully – and the garden has been growing growing growing!

There’s still been enough rainfall to give everything a good watering between sunny days but its been lovely to see how much everything is growing in the garden.

That being said a couple of our Japanese maples are struggling a bit this year – we think because there has just been so much water falling from the sky! Most of our acres have been strategically planted to raise them up a bit from the ground level. We are very close to the water table – being at the bottom of the valley. But a couple of trees have been planted in low and these seems to be putting out less growth this year. Ive also spoken to a few customers who are having a similar issue with their maples – as a result of such wet winter and spring weather.

Fingers crossed for a nice dry summer – which will hopefully allow them to recover.

This week we have been doing some ordering (some stunning bits will be arriving soon – including many statues and a few stunning, hand carved, real stone pagodas – like we have in the Japanese garden itself).

We have also been arranging our recent succulent deliveries which now look wonderfully colourful. As a crazy succulent collector myself I have already been excited to see a few varieties I don’t yet have in my home – although how I will fit them in is another matter! lol

Please check out a few pictures I shot this morning – pictured below –