The Japanese Garden in Cornwall provides an authentic Japanese
garden design in an idyllic Cornish setting. Built as a meditative garden it is the perfect space where one can calm the mind & let go of unwanted stress through contemplation & reflection.


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Covid-19 Information

LATEST INFORMATION (From 27th January 2022 copied from

  • 27 January , this guidance applies to ENGLAND

    You no longer need to wear a face covering, but consider wearing one in crowded, enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet.

What does this mean if you are visiting The Japanese Garden?

The garden and nursery areas are all outdoor and our only indoor space is our Indoor Bonsai house and gift shop.

Wearing a face covering is now optional when entering our indoor spaces and we would ask that if the shop or indoor Bonsai house appears busy with visitors that you consider wearing a mask – this is to protect each other and our wonderful staff.

No need to pre-book – Our Booking system has now been removed and there is currently no need to pre-book your visit to us. We will keep an eye on how 2024 unfolds and if we need to reinstate the booking system we will do so if the situation shows a need for it.

Please check the latest government guidance found on the GOV.UK website.

Changes Visitors Need To Know – Updated February 2022 –

No need to pre-book your visit – our booking system has been removed.

Covid-19 safety measures remain in place – including:

  • Offering hand sanitiser at several locations in our shop.
  • Keeping protective screens in place at the counter.
  • Face coverings available for purchase in our gift shop.
  • Shop is kept well ventilated – with a large extractor fan and many doors and windows open at all times.

Please see our Visit and F.A.Q pages for useful information prior to your visit.

Key points –

  • Please follow all directional signage, use the hand sanitisation points that are available.
  • Please feel free to bring a packed lunch, just please take your litter home with you.
  • Please love the Garden as much as we do and take your rubbish home; leave us only your footprints.

We’re open seven days a week, 10am – 6pm, last entry to the garden at 5pm.


In order to keep customers safe during their visit to us we have introduced a new entry system.

When you arrive for your visit you will now walk to the left side of the Shop building and will be served through the side window  (instead of walking in to the shop via the double doors – as this is now the Exit only).

Being served via the side window will allow you to walk directly from the car-park to the window and straight on to the garden (all via the one-way system).

You will not enter the Shop until you return from the garden; the one-way system will lead you from the Garden Exit back to the Shop via the new pathway (built to bring you back from the garden through the statue area and back to the Shop).

The Garden

The garden is an outdoor space with very little indoor areas (Zen garden and symbolic Tea-house have roofs but are not enclosed). The garden is approximately 1 acre in size and has a myriad of pathways allowing visitors to wander in many different routs and directions. Because of this we have not implemented a one-way system in the main part of the garden except the entrance and exit walkways.

When you are ready to exit the garden walk across the bridge and towards the exit gate which will lead you out of the garden and towards our new one way system that will bring you back to the nursery and shop. Please look for signs to direct you.

The Shop

We have put up screens around our counter and till areas to protect staff and visitors and we are providing visitors with self-serve packing bags so we can reduce the contact during purchases.

The shop is kept well ventilated with an extractor fan and doors and windows will be open (unless its too cold).

Currently accepting payments via card, contactless and cash.