August In The Garden

The Japanese Garden in Cornwall provides an authentic Japanese
garden design in an idyllic Cornish setting. Built as a meditative garden it is the perfect space where one can calm the mind & let go of unwanted stress through contemplation & reflection.


Home » Garden » August In The Garden

August has been so busy here at the garden and we have experienced a great variety of weather! The garden has been LOVING this; with the rain providing humidity and the sun giving the perfect warm rays to promote growth on everything! We have been pruning and weeding constantly to keep up with all this growth.

The Koi have been so active and we think that they have now bred for the season. The babies I spotted earlier this month are becoming more confident to swim with the big fish and have been braving the open water when I’ve fed the fish – so they could snag a koi stick or 2 😂

The garden is feeling wonderfully relaxed and charged with positive energy at this time of year and visitors have been responding so well; offering such beautiful words as they come out of the garden. It has been such a pleasure to meet so many of you over the last few weeks and so nice to see so many familiar faces too.

Yesterday I visited the garden and experienced beautiful sunshine and some heavy downpours of rain. It was actually a beautiful visit and I felt charged after the rain. I fed the fish and enjoyed watching them swim around the water before the heavens opened and I caught some beautiful shots of wet acer leaves and water droplets hitting the pond.

Please enjoy viewing the pictures shot yesterday below –