Closed But Still Growing

The Japanese Garden in Cornwall provides an authentic Japanese
garden design in an idyllic Cornish setting. Built as a meditative garden it is the perfect space where one can calm the mind & let go of unwanted stress through contemplation & reflection.


Home Β» Garden Β» Closed But Still Growing

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all staying safe at this crazy time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for all the lovely messages and comments we have had supporting us during this time; it really makes it hit home how many wonderful people we have met during our time looking after the garden πŸ’• Its taking some adjustment being closed; especially during Spring; when the garden is blossoming into life. I am doing my best to photograph and video the garden each week so that you can all see how its changing whilst we are closed – but moving-image is definitely not my forte! πŸ˜‚ So you have to forgive my video skills!

Today I had the opportunity to walk around the garden and I was so pleased to find the pink cherry trees now in full bloom 🌸 I spent a while stood under one of them; just watching the flowers blow gently in the wind. The weather has been sensational; so sunny and warm; so the Japanese maples have been quick to leaf-up and so many of them are now showing off their stunning spring-foliage. We have over 100 different varieties of acer in the garden and they all display different colours, leaf shapes and even patterns; so its so exciting to see them all emerging now.

I took a few more videos which I will be sharing to our social media over the week – so keep an eye out for these.

Please everyone stay safe; stay home as much as possible, and when this is all over we can’t wait to see you all again.

Nat & Stu

Please check out my photographs from today pictured below –