Just 2 weeks left to visit before we close to the public and begin the pond renovation!
Closing time is currently 5pm (last garden entry at 4pm daily) but may be adjusted if light levels are too low – we recommend following our social media (Facebook or Instagram pages for daily updates).
I walked the garden first thing in the morning yesterday (before the gardeners started clearing the leaves) and captured a few pictures with the leaf fall evident in almost every shot!
The garden is now brimming with autumn colour and the Japanese maples are offering a stunning variety of vivid colours which catch your eye as you wonder through the garden.
With over 100 different varieties in the garden there is a wide range to view with some colours at peak already and others have another week or so to go I suspect.
The Osakazuki maple by the bridge is a personal favourite of mine and this is now turning from its solid green to bright red – but another few days to go until it will give us the most stunning colours.
The waterfall acer on the decking area (acer palmatum dissectum aero purpureum) is just starting to transition now and this gorgeous dissectum will need another week before we see it as its best.
Stars of the show at present are the acer palmatum dissectum on the walkway down from the little bridge – now currently a rainbow of colours but primarily that stunning orange. IN a week I suspect this will be past its best to see.
Also the Orange dream acer over the pond is clinging to the remained of it amazingly colourful leaves but most have now dropped.
There are just so many maples brimming with autumn wonder now and the whole garden is transforming.
I love this time of year and the feeling in the garden as it has a messy quality that it doesn’t have at any other time of the year – every gust of wind brings more leaves down to scatter on the floor and this gives the garden a feeling of quiet action.
I almost feel that in autumn the garden reclaims its wilder roots as the gardeners try to keep up with the constant leaf fall – an impossible task!
Only 2 weeks now left to visit before we close so if you are hoping to pop in – make sure its soon – our last day open is November 15th for both the garden and the nursery and gift shop.
Please see the latest photos shot yesterday (31 October 2023) pictured below –